Walk Through Guide Zork 1
If you want to try and do this Challenge by yourself DONT ready any further, but if you want help, carry on reading.
A quick Unlock Guide
If you just want to quickly do the easter egg type in the following commands followed by "Enter".
1) North
2) North
3) Go up tree
4) Take egg
5) Go down tree
6) South
7) East
8) Open window
9) West
10) Open sack
11) Take garlic
12) West
13) Take lamp
14) Move rug
15) Open trap door
16) Go down steps
17) Turn on lantern
Then go into your profile on the site and look at your Achievements, and it should say (in white letters) click here to enter your address (I think mine said email adress).
Once you have unlocked all 7 Achievements you will see this:-
This shows you the Achievements you have unlocked....
Full Guide
******1st things 1st.... If you try to do this and get lost or do something wrong then you can start again by typing
"Restart" and following the instructions,
also the following commands will be uselful
"Save" and
Restore command might be useful..... Good luck :-).
This game is rather capricious, involving random elements that can kill you or get the game into an unsolvable state.
Wise players (as well as, or maybe especially, the unwise) are advised to save the game frequently, such as after putting each treasure in the trophy case and before dangerous or randomized actions.
Helpful Maps
Original Dungeon Map
an Easy to read PDF can be found
Dungeon Map with Solution
Above Ground
Open the mailbox. Get the leaflet and
Read Leaflet, then
Drop Leaflet.
North twice to a Forest Path location and
Climb Tree.
Take the egg from the nest and
Climb Down.
-Try to
Open the Egg, but you'll find that you can't do it. (This action is essential, otherwise the Thief won't open the egg for you later.)
South and
East to Behind House.
Open the window and
Enter the house.
Take Sack and
Take Bottle.
Open the Sack and you will see it contains a lunch and a clove of garlic. You can either eat the lunch and drink the water, or keep them as an alternate solution for a later puzzle.
Either way, make sure you hang on to the garlic and the sack itself.
West to the Living Room.
Take the Sword and
Take Lantern.
Move the Rug and
Open the trap door.
Turn on the Lamp.
Go Down into the Great Underground Empire.
-For Your Amusement:
Eat the garlic. (do this on 2nd go, not now)
Regarding the Thief
At any point underground, the Thief may come by and steal treasures directly from you, or he may steal any item you have seen from any room while you are not present.
There is a much higher chance he will steal treasures than non-valuable objects, and he may later drop something non-valuable elsewhere.
If you lose a treasure this way, don't worry; you'll get it back near the end of the game.
The Thief is difficult to defeat in a fight. If he is already in a room when you enter, it is usually a good idea to leave immediately.
Alternatively, giving him a treasure will distract him from attacking you for one turn. You become a better match as you gain points, so don't purposely attack him until near the end of the game.
"The nasty knife" from the Attic is a slightly better weapon against the Thief than the sword is -- according to the source code, his strength is calculated at -1 if you use the knife. (I didn't include picking up the knife in the "Above Ground" section for weight capacity reasons.)
The Cellar Area and Maze
Drop the egg here in the Cellar so the Thief can find it and open it. You may wish to
Save your game here, as the battle with the troll stands a good chance of killing you.
Go North.
Attack the Troll with the sword, you may have to do this a few times (I needed 2 attacks as apparently my aim isn't as good as it is in CoD ;-)). (The troll is vulnerable to the sword in the same way the Thief is to the knife.)
-When you have succeeded in killing the troll,
Drop the sword (I know, I know; but it's not really necessary, and the inventory limits are annoying in this game).
West to Enter the Maze.
West again, and then
Up. (Save here so that you can restore if the Thief steals the key from you before you can use it).
Take skeleton key and
Take Bag of Coins . (If the game tells you they are too heavy "especially in light of your condition", if you were wounded in the fight with the troll. Diagnose and wait until your wounds are healed. One wait command passes three turns.)
South, and then
Southeast to the Cyclops Room.
*****Here, you have a choice of two solutions to deal with the Cyclops:*****
1. say "
Odysseus" to scare him away (my preferred solution because it opens a direct path between here and the house). Then
East Then
East again and you'll be back in the Living Room.
Give him Lunch, then
Open the bottle and
Give him water. If you do this you'll need to exit the Maze another way and make your way back to the house.
Check your
Inventory and make sure you still have the ****skeleton key****. If not, restore and try again.
If so, save the game and go
Southwest, and
-Unlock the grating with the skeleton key, open it, and go up; then go east, south, and west three times.
Either way, now that you have found another exit from the Great Underground Empire (besides the chimney), the trap door in the Living Room will not close behind you.
-Once you are in the Living room again:
Open Trophy Case and
Put Coins in Trophy Case. Drop the key and bottle here, as well as the lunch if you didn't use it (or you can eat it now and drink the water too, if you like).
Keep hold of the brown sack itself, since it's a container, as well as the garlic.
Open Trap Door again and go
South, then
East to the Gallery.
Take Painting.
North, and
Up to the Living Room and
Put Painting in Trophy Case.
-For Your Amusement:
-Go down the chimney from the Kitchen.
-Give various things to the troll, especially the nasty knife from the Attic.
-Knock the troll unconscious (save a game so you can retry the battle until you accomplish this) and take his axe, then return it to him after he wakes up.
-Say hello to, listen to, and take the troll and Cyclops.
-Damage the painting (for example, by cutting or burning it).
The Dam and Reservoir
North, then
East to the Loud Room.
Take Platinum Bar.
South, and
Up to the Living Room.
Put Platinum Bar in Trophy Case.
Save then type
Restore (Just to get the Achievement)
East and
North to Dam Lobby.
Take Matchbook.
North or East to the Maintenance Room.
Take Wrench and
Push Yellow Button.
South back to the Dam.
Turn the Bolt with the Wrench.
Drop the Wrench.
West to Reservoir South
Wait so that it gives the reservoir time to Empty ("The water level is now quite low here...").
North to Reservoir and
Take the Trunk of Jewels.
Up to the Living Room.
Put Trunk in Trophy Case.
-Return to the Reservoir:
Northeast and
North again to Reservoir North
Take Pump.
North again to the Atlantis Room.
Take Crystal Trident.
Up and
Put Trident in Trophy Case.
-For Your Amusement:
-Read the matchbook.
-Read Guidebooks.
The Temple Area
-From the Living Room, go
East to the Kitchen, then
Up to the Attic and
Take Rope.
-Go back
West, and
Down into the Cellar. Then Go
Southeast, and
East to the Dome Room.
Tie Rope to Railing and go
Down to the Torch Room.
Take Torch and
Turn off Lamp.
South to the Temple and
Drop All and
Pick up Torch.
Save game here, since the ivory torch is a treasure as well as a light source and there's a chance that the Thief will come by and steal it from you, leaving you in the dark and likely to be eaten by a grue.
It's easier to restore to this point than to deal with making your way back to where you were when you died. (You may also wish to save every ten or twenty moves until you pick up the lamp again.).
East to the Egyptian Room and
Take Coffin.
Open Coffin and
Take Sceptre.
West then
South to the Altar. Ignore the candles and book for now and
Pray at the altar. You will be teleported to a
Forest location.
Go in House, then
West to the Living Room.
Put Sceptre and Coffin in Trophy Case.
South to the Temple, where you dropped everything.
Take Matchbook and Bell.
Open Matchbook.
South to the Altar.
Take Candles and Black Book.
Put out Candles. Check
Inventory and be sure you're carrying nothing but the:-
-A Black Book
-A pair of Candles
-A Brass bell
-A Matchbook
-A Torch (Providing light).
Down to Entrance to Hades.
Ring Bell. You will drop both it and the candles.
Take Candles,
Light a Match,
Light the Candles, then
Read Book.
Put out Candles.
Drop Book.
South to the Land of the Dead.
Take Crystal Skull.
South, and
Up to the Living Room.
Put Skull in Trophy Case.
Take Sceptre while you are here.
South to the Temple.
Pick up all You should have:-
-A air pump
-A Screwdriver
-A Brass Lantern
-A Brown Sack with garlic
-A Sceptre
-A Pair of Candles
-A Matchbook
-A Torch
-If any of the non-valuables is missing, restore.
-For Your Amusement:
-Read the black book at the Altar.
-Light the candles with the torch. (save first)
-Burn the black book. (save first)
-Try something naughty with the bodies in the Land of the Dead.
Old Man River
-From the Temple, go
East to Dam Base.
Inflate Pile of Plastic with Pump. Then
Drop Pump.
Read Label (notice that the boat is made of "thin" plastic lol), then
Drop Label.
Put Screwdriver and Sceptre in Sack; they are sharp and will puncture the boat it if you board while carrying them.
Get in the boat and
Wait, while the river carries you downstream on the Frigid River.
-When you see the red buoy,
Take Buoy and go
East to Sandy Beach to land.
Stand Up out of the boat.
Open Buoy,
Take Emerald, and
Drop Buoy.
Take Shovel.
Northeast to Sandy Cave and
Dig in the Sand with the Shovel Four times.
Drop Shovel and
Take Scarab.
Southwest back to Sandy Beach.
If you still have the sceptre (Type Inventory to check):
South to Aragain Falls.
Wave Sceptre.
West across the rainbow. You're carrying too much weight to get the pot of gold at the moment, so...
West to Behind House, and then
West to the Living Room.
If the Thief stole the sceptre from you while you were underground:
-Go west to the Sandy Beach and board the boat again; launch and immediately go west to land. Stand, then go north, west five times, south, and up.
Put Scarab and Emerald and Sceptre in Trophy Case (if you have Sceptre). If you didn't have the sceptre, skip to the next section, The Coal Mine.
-Otherwise, go back for the pot of gold by going
East, to Canyon View, then
North to End of Rainbow.
(If the pot of gold is gone, then the Thief has stolen it; the End of Rainbow location is technically "underground".)
Take Pot and return
West and
Put Pot in Trophy Case.
-For Your Amusement:
-Continue digging in the sand after you find the scarab. (save first)
-Wave the sceptre while standing on the rainbow. (save first)
The Coal Mine
Take Garlic out of the sack and carry it normally.
-From the Living Room, go
South South to the south Mirror Room.
Touch Mirror and you will be transported to the north Mirror Room. (The game's description doesn't really make this apparent.)
West and
North to the Bat Room. (The garlic you are holding repels the vampire bat, hence he is "holding his nose".)
Take Jade Figurine.
East to the Shaft Room.
Put candles and screwdrivers in Basket.
Drop Torch here and
Turn on Lantern.
North, then
Down to the Gas Room.
Take Bracelet.
Southwest, and
Down twice to Ladder Bottom.
South and
Take coal.
North, then
Up back into Coal Mine.
South and
North through the mine, then
Up and
South to the Shaft Room.
Put Coal in the Basket.
Take Candles,
Light Match,
Light Candles, then
Put candles in Basket.
Lower Basket.
-Retrace your steps to the bottom of the ladder:
West to the Timber Room,
Drop All, go
West again to the Drafty Room.
Take coal, screwdriver, and candles from basket.
South to the Machine Room.
Open the machine, then
Put Coal in Machine, and
Close Machine again.
Turn Switch with Screwdriver.
Open machine and
Take diamond.
Drop Screwdriver.
North and
Put Candles and Diamond in Basket.
Pick up all (except the timber).
-Now Go back through the coal mine to the Shaft Room:
Raise Basket.
Take Diamond and Candles.
Put out Candles. Get the torch if it's still here (although likely the Thief will have stolen it).
East, and
South, then
Down to the Cellar.
Up to the Living Room and
Put Torch (if you have it), Diamond, Bracelet and Figurine in Trophy Case.
-You can
Drop the Garlic.
-For Your Amusement:
-Enter the Gas Room with an open flame, such as the torch or candles. (save first)
The Treasure Room and the Barrow
East and
Up to the Attic and
Take Knife.
Down and
West to the Living Room.
If you used the "Odysseus" solution to the Cyclops puzzle:
West from the Living Room to the Cyclops Room.
If not:
Down to the Cellar,
North and
West into the Maze, then
-Once in the Cyclops Room,
Save the game (because the Thief can definitely still kill you) and go
Up to the Treasure Room.
-If by chance the Thief is not there, go down and return up until he appears.
Attack Thief with Nasty Knife. Repeat until you knock him unconscious.
Attack Thief with Nasty Knife AGAIN!!!! so he dies, dont go soft now (this is another Achievement).
-When you have killed him,
Take All which includes:-
-A Silver chalice
-A Egg (notice that it now has a canary)
-And any treasures that he stole from you.
-You can
Drop the Stiletto. (If you have number or weight problems wtih inventory, you may have to make multiple trips back to the Living Room.)
Down to the Cyclops Room and then
East to the Living Room (or return through the Maze: northwest, south, down, south, north, east, south, up).
Take Canary from the Egg.
Put Chalice and Egg (and any other treasures you may have recovered) in the case. Turn off the lamp.
-Leave the house by going
East to Behind House, and go
North to a Forest Path location.
Wind the Canary
Take Brass Bauble.
South and
East to Behind House, go
West to the Living Room, and
Put Canary and Bauble in the Case.
-If the Thief stole the sceptre from you or you had to give it to him, you're still lacking the pot of gold:
- so go east, east, east, east, down, down, north. Raise or wave the sceptre and pick up the pot of gold.
Then Return southwest, up, up, northwest, west, west, west and put it and the sceptre in the case.
-Once you have all the treasures ("An almost inaudible voice whispers in your ear..."Look to your treasures for the final secret.").
Look at the Trophy Case, and you will find an "ancient parchment", a map, has appeared.
Take ancient parchment and
Look at Map.
East then
South and
West to West of House.
Southwest down the "secret path" which has appeared, then enter the Stone Barrow to the west.
-Congratulations, adventurer, you're now in Zork II!
-For Your Amusement:
-Say hello to, listen to, and take the Thief.
-For Your Amusement at various times:
-Cut something with the knife or sword.
-Light something on fire (such as the pile of leaves), then pour water on it from the bottle.
-Get killed after praying at the altar, then wait or score while a spirit.
-Walk around the house or in the forest.
-Try these commands: Zork; xyzzy or plugh; chomp; win; lose; mumble or sigh; repent; yell or scream; bite myself; take myself; find, count, listen to, what is, and smell various things (house, hands, teeth, myself, candles, leaves, matches...).
You can now look at your Achievements and you will have 26 of them now......
If you click "Another pawn down" you will see this image:-
Missed Achievements
Still with me so far??? well done for sticking it out this long.... thats dedication for you lol
Ok so at this point I had 26 achievements, but there are 37 to get, so here is how to get the rest (I would save the game at this point, so you can mess around and return to this point).
Note: Depending on what you did in game you might already have got some of these:-
Eaten by a Grue: Go into the Cellar, turn off the lamp and get eaten by the Grue (just move around a few times).
Kaboom: Go into the Gas room with a Lite torch (has to be Torch, cadles will blow you up but wont give you achievement).
Butterfingers: Make sure you have saved the game..... Restart the game and go to the birdsd nest... Take agg and then
Drop Egg.
Then restore game so you dont lose your saved game (Side note: If you drop the egg, 1st time round, it doesnt break in the Nest).
Go into the Living room of the house and type
reconnoiter (this will unlock parts of the game that were not available in the Original Zork).
Now type the following words:-
36) When you get the post card through the post all you have to do is enter your personal code into the site (see below for post code information)
Advanced Pawn is the important one, go to
The Final Rewardat the bottom of this page to see how to unlock.
Zork 2nd Part: Mail in the Post
Release Date: 7/09/2020
So I got home today and had a Post card waiting for me :-) :-) :-) :-).
On the front, it has a code (which unlocks another Achievement).
It also says 4 of 15, so it looks like there are 14 other pieces of the puzzle that have been sent out to other people (Confirmed as my Mate recieved 7 of 15).
And on the Back is a section of a map.
Achievement "You've got mail" Unlock
This is straight forward just log in to the site
Then click "Redeem Achievement" or click Here:-
Type in your code, from the front of your Postcard, and you should then get the following pop up:-
Front of Postcard
(I have crossed out my address and passcode as im not sure if its limited to 1 person or not.)
Back of Postcard
['NeT']RevBoo's Back of Postcard
Update: 7/09/20
I have figured out the Postcard Map sections are sections of the ORIGINAL Zork Map, and there seems to be key words on there..... What does this mean??
Update: 11/09/20
Unfortunately I never got hold of enough post codes to solve this before others did, but you can still unlock the Truck Skin (see Below).
But it has been done by others
The Final Reward
Achievement "Advanced Pawn" Unlock
The last Achievement, the one we have been working towards....
Unfortunatly i was unable to solve this myself as it needed all the post cards, and i only managed to get 2, but if you are intrested how that was done, have a look here:-
But basically, all the postcards fitted together to make a map with words/puzzles on it that lead to the URL:
Once you are at that page enter the Following 6 Keywords (Anyone can do this, you dont need to have had the postcards etc).
Click Submit, and your done!!! all achievements have now been unlocked.
As you do this, you should get a pop up saying:- Achievement Unlock "ADVANCED PAWN".
Click on the pop up achievement or Go into your Achievements if you miss it and click
This will open a page with your Reward code and a link to www.callofduty.com/redeem
click on that and then you will be asked to log into the site.
Once you have done that just Enter the code, click redeem and you will see the following message..... "Just Unlocked", go into the game and equip the skin....
You are Welcome.... thanks for reading all this and sticking to the end :).
And this is what the Beautiful skin looks like
For The Geeky People
Zork Background History
Website I found with useful info:-