A Beginner's Guide to Weapons
-by WikingTOR & Pixie
When your Panzer is reloading, your sniper position is revealed and you have to
encounter close combat, or your SMG is out of ammo, what do you do? You whip out
your trusty sidearm and humiliate your opponent with a weapon that is smaller
than his!
- Knife: All players in Enemy Territory are
equipped with one standard issue WW2 army knife. The Knife is mostly a last
alternative for players running out of ammunition, but also the assassins'
potential best friend. If you can successfully sneak up on an enemy player,
you will find that a quick stab in the back can instantly kill an opponent
without alerting his teamates of your presence.
- Pistol: The Allies have the Colt1911 as their
spare gun and the Axis have the Luger. Pistols are typically only needed
when you've got no other choice, but should not be underestimated because
when they are used right they are extremely deadly to your foe. Pistols have
slower rate of fire than the SMG's but this can be helped by pressing the
fire button rapidly instead of holding it in. The $10,000 tip when you are
armed with only a pistol to defend yourself is to keep cool and aim for the
opponent's head before firing you weapon. With a little practice you will
see those helmets popping off in no time, which greatly increases the
weapon's usefulness and does wonders for your survival rate. The Covert Ops
class can also fit the pistols with a silencer. Also, with a high enough
Light Weapons skill you'll find that you get to wield two pistols akimbo
style. It's double the rate of fire, double the deadliness and umpteen times
the fun.
Submachine Guns (SMGs)
The most commonly used weapons in Enemy Territory are the
SMGs. It's the only choice for Field Ops and Medics, and obviously you'll also
see many Engineers using these. Maybe even the occasional Soldier. Each SMG has
its own characteristics but in general there are a few tips you always should
keep in mind when using one of these babies. As often as possible you should
crouch or prone when firing. This greatly increases your accuracy and thus saves
ammo by taking down your opponent faster than it otherwise would. Also, you
should aim for the head. Headshots are wicked, and if you can land one or two of
those your opponent will be calling for a medic before he knew what hit him.
Another useful thing to remember is to fire in bursts, make it a habit to fire
like 5 shots, stop, and fire another 5 round. Also if you can avoid it, don't go
anywhere without a full clip of ammo, after a fire fight reload so that your
clip is full. If you have to reload in the middle of a hand to hand fight it
might very well be the end of you. So the main thing to remember is: fire in
burst, duck, reload and repeat.
- Sten: The Sten is a silenced SMG available to
the Covert Ops class, offering great accuracy and stealth. The weapon can
overheat so you should be careful unless you want it to temporarily jam, but
if you follow the tip of firing in burst this is a problem you will not
notice! The Sten's great accuracy gives it an edge over most other weapons
on medium to long distance range. Take your time and fire short rapid bursts
to your enemy's head. Remember to crouch to increase the accuracy even
- FG42: The FG42 is a weapon available to the
Covert Ops. It's a sort of mix between a rifle and an SMG. It's a powerful
gun with a slightly smaller clip size and a slightly slower fire rate
compared to SMG's. This is however more than outweighed by the fact that it
comes equipped with a scope for taking care of those enemies that pester you
from afar. As always the clue is to crouch before you fire, and this is
actually more crucial because you will use this weapon at long distances,
and stray bullets are bound to happen unless you crouch or prone.
- MP40 & Thompson: The Axis Standard Issue
SMG available to Field Ops, Medics, Engineers and Soldiers is the MP40 and
its Allied counterpart is the Thompson. These two weapons behave nearly
identical when used. The MP40 is slightly more accurate than the Thompson
but the Thompson compensates by delivering slightly more damage per bullet.
Again; crouching, bursting and headshots are the key to success.
- K43 & M1 Garand: Rifles pretty much
behave the same regardless of whether you pick up the Axis K43 or the Allied
M1 Garand. Rifles are available to each side's Covert Ops and Engineer
class. The Covert Ops use these rifles as a sniper rifle with a powerful
scope and a silencer. As a sniper weapon both rifles deliver a high damage
output per round and gives the Covert Ops the ability to take out enemy
players from far away. When you snipe you should try to stay behind as much
cover as possible to minimize chance of detection by enemy snipers or others
with long range weaponry. Going prone might be a good idea in order to get
the best possible aim and smallest possible silhouette. Beware of the rather
heavy recoil as it tends to mess up your aim after each shot. Due to the
long distance, moving personnel will not be at the same spot when the bullet
hits. Therefore, try to predict where they will be at the time of impact...
usually just a little to the side of their head.
If equipped by an Engineer the rifles are no longer sniper rifles just
ordinary rifles but with a rather interesting alternate fire. The Engineer
can attach a grenade, "a rifle grenade", on the muzzle of the gun
and lob it over a great distance for some hefty impact damage. This requires
some practice though but with a good aim this is a nasty instant kill
feature that should be looked out for. Tip: the rifle grenades need to
travel some distance to blow up on impact, so it's not the best choice in
close combat since they can be easily dodged before they detonate. Think of
this as a mortar-light!