How Do I Bind All The New VSAY's?
Here is how the quick reference, voice text, and bind
assignments line up. This list has been updated for Enemy Territory (Final). The
format I've used is:
[quick chat key strokes] - [actual message] - [bind assigment]
In order to bind a key to a vsay, just do the following:
bind x "vsay_team [bind assignment]"
bind x "vsay_team onmyway"
You have three options:
- Use vsay for a global message - it will show up in cyan
to everyone. Example. bind x "vsay onmyway"
- Use vsay_team for a team message - it will show up in
green to everyone on your team. Example. bind x "vsay_team onmyway"
- Use vsay_buddy [class number][number of players][list
of players' fireteam IDs] [vsay string] - sends a voice chat to the entire
team - it will show up in yellow to the recipients. Example. bind x "vsay_buddy
-1 0 needbackup"
- For binds just use 0 for num_players, and omit
the player list
- Classnumber should be -1 for any class, and 0-4
for the classes in their usual order.
So, if I wanted to bind a key to say "need back up" to the
entire team, it would look like:
bind x "vsay_buddy -1 0 needbackup"
Here's the list:
- Statements From Quick Chat Menu
- Statements From Fire Team Chat Menu
- Other Bindable Statements Available Thru Fireteam Menu
Quick Chat Menu
11 - Path cleared. - PathCleared
12 - The enemy is weakened. - EnemyWeak
13 - All clear. - AllClear
14 - Incoming! - Incoming
15 - Fire in the hole! - FireInTheHole
16 - I'm defending. - OnDefense
17 - I'm attacking. - OnOffense
18 - Taking fire! - TakingFire
19 - Mines cleared. - MinesCleared
10 - Enemy in disguise. - EnemyDisguised
2. Requests
21 - Medic! - Medic
22 - I need ammo! - NeedAmmo
23 - I need backup! - NeedBackup
24 - We need an engineer! - NeedEngineer
25 - Cover me! - CoverMe
26 - Hold fire! - HoldFire
27 - Where to? - WhereTo
28 - We need Covert Ops! - NeedOps
3. Commands
31 - Follow me! - FollowMe
32 - Let's go! - LetsGo
33 - Move! - Move
34 - Clear the path! - ClearPath
35 - Defend our objective! - DefendObjective
36 - Disarm the dynamite! - DisarmDynamite
37 - Clear the mines! - ClearMines
38 - Reinforce the offense! - ReinforceOffense
39 - Reinforce the defense! - ReinforceDefense
4. Talk
41 - Yes! - Affirmative
42 - No! - Negative
43 - Thanks a lot! - Thanks
44 - You're welcome. - Welcome
45 - Sorry! - Sorry
46 - Oops! - Oops
5. Global
51 - Yes! - Affirmative
52 - No! - Negative
53 - The enemy is weakened. - EnemyWeak
54 - Hi! - Hi
55 - Bye. - Bye
56 - Great shot! - GreatShot
57 - Yeah! - Cheer
581 - Thanks a lot! - Thanks
582 - You're welcome. - Welcome
583 - Oops! - Oops
584 - Sorry! - Sorry
585 - Hold your fire! - HoldFire
586 - Good game! - GoodGame
6. Function Just defaults to the function
of your selected class - cannot choose to say you are a function you are not via
the menu.
61 - I'm a soldier. - IamSoldier
62 - I'm a medic. - IamMedic
63 - I'm an engineer. - IamEngineer
64 - I'm a field ops. - IamFieldOps
65 - I'm a covert ops. - IamCovertOps
Note: You can also bind a key like this:
bind x "wm_sayplayerclass"
to replicate choosing "function" from the menu. It will say your
current function when you hit the bound key.
7. Objectives
71 - Command acknowledged! - CommandAcknowledged
72 - Command declined! - CommandDeclined
73 - Command completed! - CommandCompleted
74 - Destroy the primary objective! - DestroyPrimary
75 - Destroy the secondary objective! - DestroySecondary
76 - Destroy the construction! - DestroyConstruction
77 - Construction underway! - ConstructionCommencing
78 - Repair the vehicle! - RepairVehicle
79 - Destroy the vehicle! - DestroyVehicle
70 - Escort the vehicle! - EscortVehicle
Fire Team Chat Menu
(Fire team-specific quick chat)
6. General Mirrors general chat
61 - Statements
62 - Requests
63 - Commands
64 - Talk
65 - Global
66 - Function
67 - Objectives
7. Attack
7 - Attack! - FTAttack
8. Fire Team
8 - Fall back! - FTFallBack
Bindable Statements Not Available Through Quick Chat
Numbers refer to file names not key strings. Some of
these may be available to specific team members via the fire team quick chat.
Cover me! - FTCoverMe
Disarm the dynamite! - FTDisarmDynamite
Fall back! - FTFallBack
Soldier, covering fire! - FTCoveringFire
Deploy mortar! - FTMortar
Heal the squad! - FTHealSquad
Heal me! - FTHealMe (will show a medic icon over head)
Revive team mate! - FTReviveTeamMate
Revive me! - FTReviveMe (will show a medic icon over head)
Destroy objective! - FTDestroyObjective
Repair objective! - FTRepairObjective
Construct the objective! - FTConstructObjective
Deploy landmines! - FTDeployLandmines
Disarm landmines! - FTDisarmLandmines
Call airstrike! - FTCallAirStrike
Call artillery! - FTCallArtillery
Call mortar barrage! - FTMortarBarrage
Resupply squad! - FTResupplySquad
Resupply me! - FTResupplyMe (will show a ammo icon over head)
Explore area! - FTExploreArea
Explore at co-ordinates! - FTExploreAtCoordinates
Destroy satchel objective! - FTSatchelObjective
Infiltrate! - FTInfiltrate
Go undercover! - FTGoUndercover
Provide sniper cover! - FTProvideSniperCover