CoD4: (Start with it)
In CoD4, this weapon fires a 3-round burst with astounding accuracy
(when used with an ACOG scope - it might as well be thought of as a
sniper), extremely high-damage, medium mobility and has a leisurely rate
of fire. It is considered the second-best weapon in the game (M4 being
the best). Having said that, if the M16 is used more as a support weapon
(firing from distance), it becomes the superior weapon in the game. With
the Deep Impact and Penetration perks, you can go toe-to-toe with
snipers or face off with the high ROF M4 and P90 bunch - and come out a
winner. When you carry the M16 in the game you always feel a sense of
confidence that if you shoot at someone, they will go down. The weapon
is used most effectively by sweeping the target from left to right. The
first 3-round burst will slow them down. The second and third burst will
drop even someone with Juggernaut. There is no hiding from this weapon
with the Deep Impact perk. You can punch through any light-skinned
building. It is a feared and respected weapon on the CoD4 battlefield.
Here is yet another reason: it is difficult to hit someone firing this
weapon. Most M16 gunners will be strafing (ie. side-stepping: holding
the A or D key) while they are firing. Due to the fact that there is an
interval between bursts, they can sidestep just a little faster (the
movement is sped up in the interval between bursts) than most mg'ers can
track while ironsighted. This is a great advantage.
Real Life:
The M16A4 is standard-issue rifle for front-line U.S. Marine Corps and
some U.S. Army units, replacing the combination fixed carry handle/rear
iron sight with a MIL-STD-1913 "Picatinny rail" receiver which allows
different types of optics, such as an ACOG sight to be easily mounted on
the top of the receiver. This is the now standard issue rifle of the US
Marine Corp and some Army units. Most of the U.S. Marine Corps' M16A4s
are equipped with a Knight's Armament Company M5 RAS handguard, allowing
vertical grips, lasers, tactical lights, and other accessories to be
attached. |
CoD4: (Start with it)
The CoD4 AK-47 is a fully automatic assault weapon with high damage,
high rate of fire, but high recoil which makes it hard to aim accurately
at medium to long range. While this weapon definitely has its fans, the
M-16A4 is the superior weapon at mid to long range and the AK-47 is
bested by the MP-5, P90 and M4 at short to mid-ranges.
Real Life:
The gas-operated AK-47, short for the Russian word for Автомат
Калашникова образца 1947 года; aka, the Kalashnikov Automatic Rifle of
1947, is the de-facto standard assault weapon for terrorists and the
developing nations of the world. |
CoD4: (10)
Arguably, the "best" weapon in CoD4. It is a fully automatic, highly
accurate assault rifle, with good damage, and a high rate of fire. It
also provides high mobility. Excellent in close quarters and at mid-long
ranges. While it cannot stand up to the AK47, or M16 at these longer
ranges - even with an ACOG sight, it holds its own and then some at
mid-range. At this latter distance, it should be used with the red-dot
sight for supreme accuracy. Add the Penetration perk and this is one
lethal weapon. Acquired at Level 10.
Real Life:
The M4 is a short barreled, telescoping stock variation of the M16A2
rifle and is based on the CAR-15 series used by United States Armed
Forces during the Vietnam conflict. The M4 Carbine fires the same
5.56x45MM round as it's full-sized M16 'cousin', but it is capable of
firing in full automatic as opposed to the M16's three round burst. The
M4 was designed to be a defensive weapon for personnel whose role may
require a powerful defensive weapon, but where a full-sized rifle was
impractical. It is also used by various Special Forces for its compact
nature and full-rifle power cartridge, making it ideal for Close
Quarters Battle (CQB). To this end, a variety of modifications are
offered for the M4 known as Special Operations Peculiar Modification (SOPMOD),
which includes forward hand grips, grenade launchers, suppressors,
EOTech Holographic sights and ACOG optics. A very versatile weapon. |
CoD4: (25)
A semi-automatic, with excellent accuracy, and decent damage. For those
that loved CoD2's Gewehr, Kar98 or the M1, the G3 fails as their CoD4
replacement (ironic, given that the G3 is the lineal descendent of the
Gewehr). The biggest flaw with this weapon is the recoil. It's kick is
comparable to that of the M16. In fact, all the semi-automatics in CoD4
are bad in this department. This weapon should have been a one-shot,
one-kill weapon. Instead, it usually takes a minimum of three hits to
bring someone down - nearly impossible, given the jumpy sights. While it
apparently was thought of as the counter-sniper rifle in CoD4, it does
not measure up.
The G3 variant in CoD4 is the G3A4 model, with a synthetic foregrip and
telescoping metal stock. In single-player, the rifle is fully automatic.
In multiplayer, it is a semi-automatic only rifle. It can be customized
with a Grenade Launcher, Silencer, Red Dot Sight and ACOG scope.
Acquired at Level 25.
Real Life:
The Heckler & Koch Gewehr 3 (Rifle model 3) fires the NATO standard
7.62x51mm round. The rifle can trace it's origins back to the end of the
Second World War, when the Mauser factory designed an assault rifle, a
low-price alternative to the StG44. In the late fifties, the German Army
(Bundeswehr) adopted the rifle as the G3. The G3 rifle was the basis for
the MP5 Submachine Gun and the PSG-1/MSG-90 Sniper Rifle. |
CoD4: (37)
My current Favourite Rifle (maybe cause i'm still a n0-0b). This
dangerous-looking CoD4 weapon is fully automatic, has good accuracy at
short-medium ranges (sights are too jumpy for some tastes), high damage,
and a medium rate of fire (slow when compared to other automatic
rifles). The weapon does everything - but in a very average way. The
rate of fire and inaccurate fire are this weapon's Achilles' heel. Not
the most accurate, not the most lethal...and so on. But damn, it looks
sweet! Acquired at Level 37.
Real Life:
The G36C is a variant of the G36 developed by Heckler and Koch used by
the German and Spanish Armed Forces as a mainstay infantry weapon. The
rifle fires a 5.56x45MM round from a translucent synthetic 30-round
magazine. The G36 is a modern rifle made of polymers and other synthetic
materials to decrease weight while maintaining durability. The C (Or
Commando/Compact) variant of the G36 was designed to be compact and
easily customizable, omitting the carrying handle and built-in optical
sights of it's standard variants, shortening the barrel and adding a
folding stock. The G36 and it's variants are used by Counter-Terrorism,
Special Forces and Special Police of many nations including the United
Kingdom, Poland, Chile, France and Mexico. |
CoD4: (46)
A huge disappointment, this semi automatic, high recoil weapon does have
very high damage (two hit kills can be achieved); however, the sights
wander like the M16 making it very difficult to aim. It also has a very
bad kick to it. Unlike the M16, which fires a three-round burst, this
weapon fires only one round - and given the high kick, in a fire-fight,
you will never hit the target again. Trade this gun in for an M16.
Acquired at Level 46 (not worth the wait).
Real Life:
The United States Rifle, Caliber 7.62 mm, M14 fires 7.62x51 mm NATO
rounds. Although largely superseded in military use by the M16, it
remains in limited front line service with the US Army, Marines and Navy
personnel. The M14 provided the basis for the M21. |
CoD4: (52)
In what was supposed to be an homage to the best weapon in the World War
II-based Call of Duty 2, the MP44 makes a sad-sack appearance in CoD4.
Rather than taking a bow for yeoman service in CoD2, in CoD4, the MP44
shows its age. One must wonder whether IW should have reconsidered
introducing it in Modern Warfare. The gun is clearly a gimmick in this
game and serves no useful purpose, if you never had played CoD2 you
would never guess at how useful a weapon it was (note the tense of the
word) in that CoD game.
Fully automatic, with (charitably) medium accuracy, and laughable
medium-high range damage it only has iron sight capability. Still the
most lethal weapon in CoD2, it is the grandpa Simpson of CoD4. Give it a
wide berth - though IW did make it look pretty, I must admit... Acquired
at Level 52.
Real Life:
Known as the Sturmgewehr 44 and as the MP44 - or, the Maschinenpistole
44, this was the most popular German assault rifle in World War II. |