
Zone Name _NeT_WalBanger  +E-Mail
Other Zone Name _NeT_DrAGoN
Role in Clan Leader
Real Name Ian
Location England
Age 25          (19/04/1977)
Joined Sept`01
Fav Civ Britons
Why Fav Civ Archers rule and British archers kick arse, and a bit patriotic.
Fav Map Black Forest (BF)
Why Fav Map Allows you to Boom and push in one direction. It also allows you to use all the troops in AoK, which doesn't happen if you get flushed.
Fav Strategies Boom, BooM,  BOOM
Fav unit Both the Spanish Unique Units (Spanish Conquistador + Missionary)
Old Zone Names FOPT_WalNut, Vagabond_WAL, KoV_WalBanger

Photo of Me My Avatar

Other Photos

My X Girlfriend on her 21st Birthday...................... GOD that was an expensive day  



Some of my mates from Laser Quest including _NeT_I_BeAsT and _NeT_I_TiNyTiTz