Zone Name | _Net_N_PyRo +E-Mail |
Other Zone Name | _NeT_N_BlAdE |
Real Name | Kian |
Location | USA |
Age | 19 (21/12/1984) |
Joined | 4th May 2002 |
Fav Civ | Goths |
Why Fav Civ | They're barracks units are so cheap and create fast. They can beat archers, most infantry, and when in need we always got the bombard cannons |
Fav Map | Yucatan |
Why Fav Map | A lot of food which leads to faster aging which means better attacking |
Fav Strategies | Quick imp and go kill em |
Fav unit | Elite Longbowmen... fully upgraded |
Old Zone Names |
Photo of Me | My Avatar |
Other Photos |