
Zone Name _NeT_N_MeatBall  +E-Mail
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Real Name Björn
Location Sweden
Age 15          (20/02/1987)
Joined 28th November
Fav Civ Huns, Turks
Why Fav Civ H: good horses and cavalry archers.   T: good bombards.
Fav Map Yucatan, Islands
Why Fav Map Yucatan cause you can rush and you can wall up, its loots of food to. islands cause i like sea battles.
Fav Strategies Kill them! one by one.
Fav unit You may not agree but:fully upgraded tarkan..............Cause they can vandilize towns to ruins.
Old Zone Names kingbjorn_2
Reason For Leaving Became in active in AoC so asked to be taken off

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