Zone Name | _NeT_I_kNiGht_ +E-Mail |
Other Zone Name | _NeT_N_HeRo_ |
Real Name | Sebastian |
Location | Sweden |
Age | 19 (01/05/1982) |
Joined | Re-joined 26 August 2002 First joined 10th Oct 2001 |
Fav Civ | Vikings |
Why Fav Civ | stronger barrack units than other civs, great ships and they originally comes from Scandinavia, where im from.. |
Fav Map | Don't have any (maybe BF) |
Why Fav Map | ---------------------------- |
Fav Strategies | Fast Castle Rush |
Fav unit | Spanish Conquistador and Longbow man (Editor's Notes:-he's greedy to just like me with 2xFav units) |
Old Zone Names | Xebbex, _mAnNeRhEiM_ and _Alchaholic |
Photo of Me | My Avatar |
Other Photos |