
Zone Name _NeT_I_kNiGht_ +E-Mail
Other Zone Name _NeT_N_HeRo_
Real Name Sebastian
Location Sweden
Age 19  (01/05/1982)
Joined Re-joined 26 August 2002 First joined 10th Oct 2001
Fav Civ Vikings
Why Fav Civ stronger barrack units than other civs, great ships and they originally comes from Scandinavia, where im from..
Fav Map Don't have any (maybe BF)
Why Fav Map ----------------------------
Fav Strategies Fast Castle Rush
Fav unit Spanish Conquistador and Longbow man (Editor's Notes:-he's greedy to just like me with 2xFav units)
Old Zone Names Xebbex, _mAnNeRhEiM_ and _Alchaholic

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